The Journal of Spirited Coaching
Life Purpose Coaching, Spiritual Teachings, Vibrational Healing - It's All Under One Roof!
Publishing Frequency - Twice monthly, usually around the 1st and the 15th October 15 , 2011 Vol.#8 Issue#19


Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genious - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

Albert Einstein



12 strand DNA activation


What if...
you were living your life purpose right now? Maybe you're closer to it than you think. Find out with
An Inner Journey...
Only $14.95.

Online Classes

Discover the many benefits of attending a class online! There's no easier, simpler way to learn than with an online class.

Here's the list of my current online classes in all their splendiforous glory:



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Healing With Essential Oils
Read hundreds of stories and testimonials of how people are using the oils to heal, indexed by the various diseases.


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Under One Roof
All rights reserved

Chains of Love

If you know me at all, you probably thought I was going to write about my favorite holiday (other than my birthday, of course) - Halloween. After all, it is that time of year. But this other story wanted to be written, so here it is.

Funny how one single action by one single person can affect so many other people. For example, my outdoor Christmas decorations.

Every year I decorate the outside of our house and the yard with Christmas stuff. Lots of lights, an animated deer family (complete with red lights for the noses on the two boy deer), a snowman who tips his top hat to visitors, lights, an inflated Christmas tree with lighted gifts under it, more lights, and... well you get the idea. LOTSA stuff.

I love putting up the decorations. I love the creativity of the process. I love how the lights brighten the bleak darkness of winter. And I love seeing the smiles on people's faces as they walk or drive by and enjoy the decorations.

My friend Libby's topmost core life value is equitability. To her, everything must be fair and equitable. So when I do a favor for her, she always feels compelled to find a way to repay me. Last year she repaid one or another of my favors by campaigning with everyone she knew to have them vote for our house in the annual Port Ludlow Christmas Decorating Contest. Because only about three people entered the contest, we won first place.

First prize was a night at the Inn, a round of golf on the world-class course, and brunch. Second prize was the same sans the golf.

The people who placed second should have placed first. Their decorations far outdid ours.

As we left the short "awards" ceremony and were getting into our cars, I spotted the other couple who had gotten second place. I went over to them and told them that I thought they should have gotten first and asked if I could trade them prizes. The woman got tears in her eyes, not only because I acknowledged the better quality of their display, but her hard work. She'd done it all because her husband is handicapped. Additionally, he has one activity that he's still capable of enjoying - golf.

So we had this gift certificate for a stay at the luxurious Inn at Port Ludlow and brunch. But we had no desire to use it. I mean, what's the point of staying at a hotel when it's just down the street?

Although I offered it repeatedly to friends, for one reason or another each one was unable to use it.

Finally, just as the gift certificate was about to expire, I thought about my Tai Chi Master. He'd mentioned that he had taken his wife there years ago for a romantic getaway (all the way from Port Townsend!) and loved it. So I offered it to him. He was delighted and called me to let me know that he'd made the reservations... for their upcoming wedding anniversary.

The one action of putting up Christmas decorations created a Chain of Love as it touched many people and gave them joy:

  • Me, because I love the creativity of putting up the decorations and then enjoying the bright, joyful lights in the dark winter nights.
  • My husband, who enjoys the decorating with me. He feels delight when he comes home from work in the dark and, as he drives around the corner, sees the bright, fun lights in our yard and on our house.
  • Our neighbors and all the people who walk or drive by and who enjoy looking at the decorations.
  • Libby, because she was able to honor her core life value of equitability by helping us win first prize in the contest.
  • The other couple who had entered the contest and who, in the end, did receive first place.
  • My Tai Chi Master and his wife, whom I gave the gift certificate to, and who will enjoy a luxurious anniversary celebration.

This Chain of Love became a full circle in the end as I realized how many people I'd been able to give joy and happiness to with one action.

What are the Chains of Love that you create?


ps. If you really want to see my Halloween decorations for this year, go to my Facebook page.

NEW!! Now on CD!!
The Interdimensional
12 Strand DNA Activation

It's time. The energy on the planet is calling for us all to raise our vibration.

It's time. After eons of being disconnected from the spiritual portion of your DNA, you can once again experience being your Divine Self.

It's time. Step up to the next level of spiritual evolution with the activation of your 12 DNA strands and the 12 layers of interdimensional energy that surround them.

NOW The Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation is on CD!

With the CD, you'll enjoy a wonderful experience and successful activation as you participate in the activation of your 12 DNA strands, the 12 layers of interdimensional energy that surround each DNA strand, and your Akashic Record which resides within each DNA strand.

The Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation CD includes pre-instructions, the guided visualization for the activation of your 12 DNA strands and the activation of your 12 interdimensional layers of energy, the sounds of the Sacred Solfeggio tones, and post-activation instructions and information.

More information HERE

Book o' the Month

Books have always been an important part of my life. One of my most favorite jobs was working at a bookstore. I'd gaze around the store in amazement at all of the wondrous knowledge that was available to me in all the thousands of books that were gathered together in this one place. It was like having all of the wisest people in all the world in all of history right in front of me, ready to share the best and juiciest parts of their wisdom with me. Picking up a book and reading it was like walking up to them and saying, "tell me the best of all that you know". And so they did... each time I would open their books and read their words.

Because I love books soooooo much, I want to share with you those that especially excite me. This month's selection is...

The Biology of Belief: The Science of How Thoughts Control Life by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.

Scientific data puts me to sleep. Whenever I read a book with graphs, numbers, words that span an entire page, and tables of comparative data, I quickly turn those pages until I come to the good stuff again.

Not so with this book.

The minute I started reading it until I got to the very end I was mesmerized. As I read a book, I highlight passages that I find profound. I found so much fascinating information that I wore out two highlighter pens on this book.

Bruce Lipton explains "epigenetics", the new science and study of the molecular mechanisms by which environment controls gene activity, in regular, normal, everyday language... and with warm humor.

He explains in an entertaining yet scientific manner exactly how our thoughts affect the cells of our body. He clearly demonstrates that it isn't our genes that control the quality of our health, but what we think.

His diagrams and illustrations are unique and, unlike most scientific-based graphs, charts, and tables, are easy to understand. They actually add to the reader's understanding of the complex theories, concepts, and data.

Here's a few tidbits from this amazing book:

  • It inevitably disturbs pharmaceutical manufacturers that in most of their clinical trials the placebos, the "fake" drugs, prove to be as effective as their engineered chemical cocktails. (p. 138)
  • When the mind is engaged in negative suggestions that can damage health, the negative effects are referred to as the nocebo effect. In medicine, the nocebo effect can be as powerful as the placebo effect, a fact you should keep in mind every time you step into a doctor's office. (p. 142)
  • Your beliefs act like filters on a camera, changing how you see the world. And your biology adapts to those beliefs. (P. 143)
  • The speed of electromagnetic energy signals is 186,000 miles per second, while the speed of a diffusable chemical is less than 1 centimeter per second. (P. 112)
  • Receptor "antennas" (on the cell membrane) read vibrational energy fields such as light, sound, and radio frequencies. (P. 83)

I couldn't put this book down once I started reading it. All science should be this fascinating... and empowering. This book will change forever how you think about your thoughts!

Essential Oil of the Month


Rich. Spicy. Cistrus-y. Exotic. Warm. Sweet.

All those scents combine harmoniously in this one delicious-smelling oil. Seventeen oils are used to create this one oil, designed to bring us into harmony with all things, people, and the cycles of life.

It's beneficial in reducing stress and amplifying well-being. It combats feelings of discord. The aroma is uplifting and elevating to the mind, creating a positive attitude. It promotes physical and emotional healing by creating a harmonic balance for the energy centers of the body.

I'm enjoying Harmony Oil as I'm typing these words. I applied a drop to my throat and heart areas. The rich aroma is wafting upward, surrounding me in a delicious cloud of exotic smells. Each time I breathe in the aroma it seems just a bit different as one or the other oils in the blend takes the forefront.

Harmony Oil is one of a quartet of oil blends created to uplift the emotions. The other three are Joy, Gratitude, and Hope. These oils should be in the collection of anyone who is experiencing emotional stress. I guess that pretty much covers most people these days.

Suggestions of how to use it:

  • Apply a drop over the heart, on wrists, edges of ears, temples, and at the base of the throat
  • Add 2 - 4 drops to hot bathwater. (Ahhhhhh)
  • Directly inhale
  • Diffuse (I use a misting fountain and the whole house smells delish!)
  • Put a few drops on a cotton ball and place over heating vents
  • Add a few drops to vegetable oil and use for a full body massage (Ooooooh, yeah!)
  • Sprinkle a couple of drops in front of the heat vents on the carpet of your car. (It'll make your commute a whole lot more harmonious!)

Oils included in this blend:

  • Geranium helps release negative memories so that joy can be attained.
  • Rosewood is high in linalool, which has a relaxing, empowering effect.
  • Lavender is a relaxant and gives a feeling of overall well-being
  • Sandalwood stimulates the Pineal gland, removing negative programming in the cells
  • Frankincense stimulates the Limbic region of the brain, helping to overcome stress and despair.
  • Orange combats depression and induces relaxation.
  • Lemon stimulates and invigorates.
  • Angelica helps to release negative feelings
  • Hyssop is spiritually uplifting
  • Spanish Sage is high in limonene, which prevents DNA damage
  • Jasmine revitalizes spirits and brings feelings of love and joy.
  • Roman Chamomile combats restlessness and tension.
  • Bergamot balances hormones and calms emotions.
  • Ylang Ylang increases relaxation.
  • Palmarosa is stimulating and revitalizing, bringing about a feeling of security.
  • Rose has the highest frequency of all essential oils. It creates a magnetic energy that attracts pure love and brings joy to the heart.
  • Spruce opens and releases emotional blocks, creating a feeling of balance and grounding.

To obtain the fullest aromatic benefits of this oil, after applying it rub the palms of your hands together briskly to warm the oil on them. Then cup them and place them over your nose. Take three deep breaths This brings the minute oil particles deep into your nasal passages, where their energy imprint is picked up by the Olfactory nerve and taken to the Amygdala gland - the control center of all your emotions and the release of all hormones.

Young Living essential oils are steam distilled from the leaves and stems of 100% organic plants. Unlike other brands of essential oils, there are no chemicals used in the processing of the plants. Nor are there chemicals or other ingredients added to dilute or damage the natural healing properties of the oils.

Order online at
Please use my sponsor number 405708. Thank you.

Kathy Wilson, CPC

680 Rainier Lane, Port Ludlow, WA 98365
Phone: 360.437.9328 or 360.301.1864