
It's time
for you to reconnect to the Divine Being you truly are.

The Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation


The Next Step
in Your Spiritual Evolution


If we want world peace, we must let go of our attachments and truly live like nomads. That's where I no mad at you, you no mad at me.

Swami Beyondananda


Spiritual Stuff

Spirituality is becoming more and more a part of my life. I find that I'm integrating it into everything I do. For too long I hid it, afraid that I would frighten people or make them uncomfortable with my beliefs. Now I find that the more I bravely come forward with my spirituality, the more I find people with similar beliefs - and in the strangest places!

Mainstream people who at one time I would have assumed to be terrified of words like "past lifetime" and "energies of the Universe" are now speaking these words as if they were talking about what to have for lunch. Obviously, there has been a huge change in our world.

To me being spiritual means being in a state of Love not one of Fear, being connected to the Source, the Universe, God, Goddess, whatever you want to call it. It's not about following rules and being good or else we don't get to go to Heaven. It's about creating Heaven right here on this planet.

The vibrational healing is obviously a very spiritual practice, but what about the rest of the things that I do? How are they spiritual?

Life coaching involves using my intuition, connecting with my clients on a very deep level. We do what's called Level Three Listening which can best be described as tuning in to and connecting with our client on all levels and wave lengths. I don't just hear their words, I sense their emotions and their energy level as I listen to them. I assist them in using their own spiritual tools to create the life they desire. Many times my client and I have had such a profound spritual experience during coaching that we both ended up with tears of joy running down our faces.

I view my website designs as a co-creation the Great Creator. I'm often delighted and surprised with the design that is birthed as I allow the creative spirit to move through me freely. Again, intuition plays a huge part.

So, feel free to wander around this section of my website. Come back often to see what's new. And remember....

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

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Kathy Wilson
Email kwilson@under-one-roof.net

All material on this website ©2023

If you see something you would like to use, please ask. More than likely I'd be happy to share it, and I would like you to honor my work by allowing me to give it to you.
